2013 CM Blog Circle {January} I Close up portraiture

2013 CM Blog circle

This is the first post of the other monthly blog circle I am participating in through Clickin Moms.  I did a similar challenge in 2012 and I’m with a few of the same talented photographers again, plus we are welcoming some new faces!  Each month we will shoot with a specific theme in mind, then post our favourite images at the end of the month.  Each of us will link to the next person in the circle so you can follow all the way round to be truly inspired!

This month the theme was close up portraiture.  I am usually very conscious of backing up in my photography, consciously stepping back or zooming out to include more of the setting and story.  It’s one of the classic mistakes most of us make when starting out, we are often too close, cropping body parts (ouch!) and not setting any of the scene.  So this was an interesting challenge this month, to purposely shoot close again.

After a busy December, it was also nice to spend some time photographing the children again in January.  So here we have a couple of each of them…. otherwise they would argue…. you know how it is!!

I love how getting in really close to Katie really emphasises her gorgeous eyelashes and freckles!

I’d love to have a macro lens to be able to get even closer….. that can go on to the 2013 wish list!

Head on over to Dawne’s blog to see how she interpreted the theme this month and follow the circle round!


  1. Cary

    These are lovely Claire, such beautiful kiddos! you’re so right, it is hard to go in close again lol but I loved it!

  2. amanda

    These are gorgeous Claire. I’m one of those new photographers who forget to step back! 🙂

  3. Judy

    These are lovely! Those freckles are to die for!

  4. Tracey Stone

    Fantastic! I love the details! Those eyes and lashes!! Love!

  5. adel

    great black & whites! love the perspective of your son in the first shot. and your daughter’s freckles are just adorable!! great way to showcase them!

  6. ashley

    These are all gorgeous!! I love the light and the wonderful focus you got in the first two, and your sons are so handsome. My favorite it the third. Gorgeous eyelashes and freckles, and your black and white conversion shows them off so beautifully!!

  7. Kim

    Oh Claire, will you look at those freckles!? Great details.

  8. Holly Thompson

    Gorgeous!!! I especially love the first image of Katie… you got something really special in that one. Well done! I’m so glad you are in our circle again this year. 🙂

  9. Dawne

    All of your images are fantastic… but I am so partial to Katie’s adorable lashes and freckles!

  10. Jenny

    Wow – what great images you were able to capture – so much emotion!

  11. Debbie

    Your images are stunning and your children are so beautiful! I love your daughters freckles and those lovely lashes!!

  12. kerry

    All of these are so good, but I LOVE the one of your daughter looking down. Perfection!!

  13. Andee

    I like your son in his tank. Great angle & lighting. Then your daughter – those lashes & freckles. What a beauty.

  14. Lisa

    oh, these are so nice. I really love her freckles in the third shot. All are fabulous.

  15. Michelle B

    Love your lighting and the detail shots of your kids – love the lashes and freckles.

  16. Sarah

    Just love those freckles!!!!! Wonderful job!



  1. Project 12 2013~Close Up Portraiture | Cary Marie Photography - [...] for checking out my attempt at close up portraiture. Follow the circle round to Claire to see how things…

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