Lensbaby Project May I St Albans Photographer {Personal}


Here we are already for May!  There are some amazingly talented photographers in this blog circle (please make sure you check out their work if you haven’t already) and I have found them a constant source of inspiration over the past few months.   I have especially liked the lensbaby used in street photography, and that’s what I tried my hand at this month in and around St Albans where I live.  I deliberately picked market day for a bit of extra interest.  I find it hard to just shoot out and about on the streets, people are very wary of what you are doing!  So I did some in the town, then headed out to our beautiful cathedral.  I hope you enjoy this little slice of England as seen through my lensbaby!  Follow the link here to see what Jerri shot with her lensbaby this month…..


  1. Alexis

    Love your theme this month! I especially enjoyed how you played with the straight lines of the cathedral and the bending view of the lensbaby.

  2. Jess

    Wow, these are fantastic! I love these! what a great idea, street photography. It really looks great with the lensbaby!

  3. Lisa Bodio Sheehan

    These are really amazing! Love all the pops of color and texture. Your choice of street photography was an excellent pairing with the lensbaby!

  4. Andrea Lythgoe

    Love these. The “Commit no nuisance” door and the stained glass window are my favorites.

  5. Heather

    These are really great! You controlled the blur so well so that it did not distract from your subjects at all. Really love these.

  6. Nina Mingioni

    i really, really enjoyed looking at these, Claire – a great little slice of England! i really enjoyed people shots, and all the market colors.

  7. Monika Strzelecka

    love the climate of your pictures – it’s perfect with the lb blur, so magic…

  8. Piotr

    these are great! real control of the lensbaby lens


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